Avoiding Technical Debt Without Sacrificing Forward Momentum

High pressure to deliver new features and rapidly iterate on your product can lead to accumulating technical debt. While some debt is unavoidable, you can minimize it by adopting strategies that balance maintaining code quality with forward progress. This article outlines methods to help you achieve that balance.

Acknowledge and Accept Technical Debt

In the early stages of a startup, it’s common to accumulate technical debt fast! The focus is on speed and delivering value and viability, often at the expense of code quality. While this approach is necessary for gaining traction, it’s important to recognize that this debt needs to be managed as your product matures.

Allocate Time for Debt Reduction

It’s essential to allocate a specific portion of your engineering time to address technical debt. A common approach is to dedicate around 10-20% of engineering resources to this task. This allocation ensures that you are making steady progress on debt reduction while still focusing on new feature development and other priorities.

Adopt a Strong Architectural Foundation

Building a strong architectural foundation from the start is crucial. This doesn’t mean over-engineering or getting lost in perfectionism, but rather:

  • Modular Design: Break your system into well-defined, modular components. This makes it easier to update or replace parts of your system without causing widespread disruption.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Consider future scaling needs and design your system to handle growth. Investing in scalable infrastructure early on can prevent costly rewrites later.

Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

CI/CD pipelines automate testing, integration, and deployment processes, which helps:

  • Catch Issues Early: Automated tests run with every code change, catching bugs and regressions early, reducing the likelihood of technical debt accumulating unnoticed.
  • Frequent, Small Releases: CI/CD encourages frequent, smaller releases, which are easier to manage and troubleshoot. This approach minimizes the risk of introducing large, unmanageable chunks of debt.

Prioritize Code Reviews and Pair Programming

Regular code reviews and pair programming sessions can significantly reduce the introduction of technical debt:

  • Code Reviews: Establish a robust code review process where peers assess each other’s work. This not only catches potential issues but also spreads knowledge and best practices across the team.
  • Pair Programming: Pair programming fosters collaboration and immediate feedback, leading to higher-quality code. It also helps distribute expertise across the team, reducing reliance on a single person’s knowledge.

Emphasize Documentation and Knowledge Sharing

Clear documentation is crucial for preventing technical debt. Well-documented and easily understood code is far simpler to revisit and refactor than a hastily written, obscure solution with no indication of its purpose or significance:

  • Inline Documentation: Encourage developers to write clear, concise comments in their code. This ensures that the rationale behind decisions is easily understood, even months or years later.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Regularly hold knowledge-sharing sessions, such as lunch-and-learns or internal talks. This keeps the team aligned on architectural decisions and best practices, reducing the chances of divergent, debt-inducing implementations.
  • Proper Commit messages: Git is an often overlooked communication and documentation tool! A well-crafted commit message explains why a change was made, not just what was changed. This is crucial for anyone revisiting the code later, making it easier to understand the reasoning behind certain decisions.

Measure Technical Debt Effectively

Although there isn’t a perfect method to quantify technical debt, you can use several approaches to gain insights:

  • Issue Trackers: Utilize issue tracking tools like Jira or GitHub. Tag issues related to tech debt and monitor their count and progress. This provides a tangible measure of the debt and helps in prioritizing fixes.
  • DORA Metrics: These metrics (Deployment Frequency, Lead Time for Changes, Change Failure Rate, and Time to Restore Service) can offer indirect insights into the impact of technical debt on your engineering processes. For instance, a higher failure rate for changes may indicate underlying tech debt.
  • Team Feedback: Regularly solicit feedback from your engineering team regarding the state of the codebase. Tracking their assessments over time can help gauge the level of technical debt and its impact on productivity.

Adopt Agile Methodologies

Agile methodologies help manage technical debt while keeping momentum:

  • Iterative Development: Agile’s iterative approach allows for continuous improvement. By breaking down work into smaller, manageable chunks, teams can focus on delivering value while keeping technical debt in check.
  • Backlog Grooming: Regularly prioritize and groom the backlog, ensuring that tech debt-related tasks are addressed alongside new feature development. This keeps the codebase healthy without stalling progress.

Balance Short-Term Gains with Long-Term Health

Avoiding technical debt doesn’t mean avoiding all shortcuts—it’s about balancing them wisely:

  • Make Conscious Trade-offs: Sometimes, taking on a bit of debt is necessary to meet a deadline or seize a market opportunity. The key is to make these decisions consciously, understanding the trade-offs and planning to address them later.
  • Refactoring as You Go: Incorporate small refactoring efforts into your regular development process. This approach prevents the buildup of debt while keeping the codebase clean and maintainable.

Double Down on Automated Testing

Automated testing is a critical component in avoiding technical debt:

  • Unit and Integration Tests: Writing comprehensive unit and integration tests ensures that new changes don’t break existing functionality. It also provides a safety net for future development, making it easier to refactor and enhance the codebase.
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD): Adopting TDD can help ensure that code is designed with testing in mind, leading to more modular and reliable software that’s less prone to accumulating debt.


Avoiding technical debt while maintaining forward momentum requires a proactive approach to development. By laying a solid architectural foundation, automating processes, fostering collaboration, and making conscious trade-offs, you can build a robust, scalable product without sacrificing speed. The goal is not to eliminate technical debt entirely—an unrealistic expectation—but to manage it effectively, ensuring your codebase remains healthy and your startup continues to innovate and grow.